2nd grade classroom Math Intervention

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Grant Applicant
Cari Reid
Grant Co-applicants
School Site
Grant Category
Grant Date

2nd grade would like to implement a math intervention class during our math block to support the students who need more support. This could also be used during an after/before school enrichment program that our school offers. 

This targeted instructional kit uses Math Talks and Number Strings to build numeracy skills in students who are struggling with core number concepts. Focusing on one core math concept you can help develop computational fluency in just 10 minutes a day. A Progress Monitoring Sheet blackline master is included in the Teacher Guide for each kit so teachers can track the progress of each student on an individual basis.

Benefits of Program

To better support all our second graders and ensure a strong foundation in math, we're implementing a differentiated small group instruction program. This means students will be placed in temporary groups based on their current abilities. Within these smaller groups, they'll receive targeted instruction and intervention tailored to their specific needs. This personalized approach will allow us to deepen understanding, address any gaps in knowledge, and ultimately, equip each student with a strong conceptual grasp of math that prepares them for future success.

Success of Program

While we're implementing a new math program that offers many valuable aspects, we've identified some areas where students require additional support to address existing gaps in their mathematical understanding. Additionally, the program's limited differentiation options make it challenging to fully cater to individual student needs. To bridge these gaps and personalize learning, we're exploring the use of this intervention program.


Our 2nd grade can use this implementation as a math rotation block with our 60 min math block. We would break the grade level up 2 days a week into math groups at their level. We feel that implementing this strategy with give the students at all levels the boost they need as well as fill in the missing gaps in their mathematics education. We also felt that this could be offered in one of our enrichment programs offered before or after school. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Yes, we will all be able to use this for 2nd grade and various 1st or 3rd graders if needed. 

Yes it will be sustainable and not needed to be continued to be funded in the future.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$296 - Math Intervention Kit
Other funding sources

Our title one funds have been used to support an RTI teacher and decodable texts for the school site. 

  • Counting On
  • Use the Five/Ten Structure
  • Use Doubles
  • Get to Ten
  • Use Ten and Adjust
  • Use Know Facts
  • Counting Back