6th grade Ipods for Reading, Researching and Scaffolding Instruction

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With the implementation on the Common Core Standards, it is important to provide students with daily access to technology for research, reference, skills practice, and projects.  We have no working computers in the classroom and it is important for students to be using technology to access 21st century learning. 

Success of Program

Achievement could be measured through online polls and assessments. Common Core Assessments are all being taken online so students need to be familiar with technology. We could use the Ipods to practice for these CCSS assessments. Also programs such as STAR reader allow student to take tests on books read and measure comprehension. Since Ipods can be individualized and tailored to students' needs, it would be possible to gather data specific to students, allowing for furthur differentiation


Students will have access to the Ipods on a daily basis. They will be able to use them during small group centers, in partnerships and during whole class activites.  It will be another method for me to be able to differentiate learning. Just a few of the activities students may use the Ipods for include: listening to books, doing research, watching videos, studying with customized flashcards, practicing a specific skill with an engaging app, or looking up unknown vocabulary. Ipods could also be used during whole class instruction in a multitude of ways. For example, with the help of students who already have their own personal devices, we could now do online polls and online assessments. There are so many ways these devices could be used in the classroom, all of which would enhance learning while making it interesting and exciting for students. 


Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

The 6th grade team collaborates daily, weekly and monthly informally during prep times and more structured during PLC. This is a time to share what is working in our classrooms and gather ideas from the team. All teachers who currently have Ipods have shared how they have been using their Ipods successfully in the classroom. We discuss favorite apps, new programs we have found and best practices using the Ipods. This will allow my class to have the same access to technology as the other four 6th grades.  

The number of students who will use these Ipods is listed as only 25/year but most likely they will be used by many more children. With more Ipods in 6th grade, it increases the possibility of sharing among classes to have 1-1 technology for certain activities, therefore effecting up to 100 students.