"Finding a purpose in the work we do or the way we spend our time, which resonates deeply with who we think we are, is an essential part of knowing who we are. If you don’t know what you can do, you don’t know what you might be. Human ability is often buried deep. So many people don’t know their talents, because they haven’t come upon them yet.” -Sir Ken Robinson
The goal of this grant proposal is to obtain funding for a comprehensive, data driven career assessment tool that can be administered in one session. The current career assessments available to Sierra High are within Naviance. Naviance has eight individual subjective assessments (strengths, personality, learning style, career interest...) and each one has different result formats. To fully utilize Naviance I would need consistent meetings with each student throughout the year. Sierra High does not have an advisory/homeroom/student success/pathways in which to implement an ongoing college and career exploration program. In addition, I (career technician) am only at Sierra High two days per week. When I have the opportunity to meet with students I want to have the most impact possible. YouScience single assessment tool that evaluates the students’ aptitudes , interests and personalities and provides a positive profile report with suitable career path suggestions and information. In addition it supplies the student with affirming language to better highlight their assets in interviews and resumes.
Every student has the ability to be successful. A high quality assessment can provide students with the data and insights necessary to leverage their natural strengths and interests for a brighter future.