Class set of Laptops

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To match a state of the art tech lab remodel with state of the art technology. Engineering students use this technology to design and build most of their projects and need the computing power and reliability of a high end computer. Math students would consistantly have access to Khan Academy and online resources which are ideally used daily.

Success of Program

Math: Students achieve levels between "practiced" and "mastery" that teacher tracks and gives feedback on based on where they fall on the rubric. The same summitive assessments are given throught the year to compare to student success with more traditional bookwork.


Engineering: Success is inherent in whether a project accomplishes its desired task, meets its intended need. Standards are upheld regarding precision, the design process, and safety.


Math: Explained in more detail in the linked to video, students follow a teacher created, common core rubric that guides them through the concepts of their specific course with varying levels of depth depending on student ability. They then practice using Khan Academy with access to hints and videos. This is supplemented by application problems that allow students to synthesize and apply mechanical tools they learn from practice. 


Engineering: Students have an opportunity to explore mechaninical, electrical, industrial, computer, and technical engingeering through a series of projects proposed by either teacher or student in a first year. In a second year, students delve more deeply into a topic of interest to them. This is articulated with programs at Sierra College in different genres of engineering.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Math: My entire PLC could use Khan Academy to have a better guage on where students are, incorporate mastery learning, and differentiated pacing.


CTE: The lab will be a flagship of the district, and will allow students to explore a lucrative, creative, and influential career path.

Other funding sources
A full remodel was just done on a state of the art tech lab with bond money. Bond money cannot pay for technology, only facilities. 1/2 the room is set up to be a high end computer lab, I'm looking for funding for computers. There is an educational discount for these computers.