We are asking for $4730 to split between our two early learning programs. This ask is to provide materials and equipment for both of our district early learning programs Sierra Teen Education and Parenting Program (STEPP) and Truckee State Preschool program. Every year our early learning programs, STEPP and Truckee Preschool do a self assessment of our environments using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale(ECKERS 3-5 yrs) and Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS 0-36 months). This tool helps us to look at where we need to make improvements and strengthen the environments for our early learning students. Through this assessment we look at health and safety, opportunities for stimulation and learning experiences, and building relationships with children, parents, extended families, and community.
One area of focus for this upcoming year is to strengthen our cultural, diversity and inclusion opportunities and materials. Through this assessment we have noticed that we need to offer a wider range of opportunities in this area for our children and families in our programs. Through this ask we will be able to provide a variety of materials such as dolls, dress up materials, books, visual aids, art materials and equipment that supports the diversity of our families, community, and the abilities of all of our students. We will provide these items to both our preschool and infant toddler programs.