Imagination Playground for TES

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Using Imagination Playground blocks, kids build a new world every day. They make objects like animals, rocket ships, and robots. They make imaginary places like houses, factories, and cities. They make new dramatic scenarios, settings, and games to play. Most important, they make the rules. Because Imagination Playground is child-directed and open-ended, it encourages self-expression through deep, joyful play. Imagination Playground blocks are sold in sets suitable for a variety of outdoor and indoor sites, offering a cost-effective way to give children of multiple ages access to productive play. The basic starter set is the 105-piece Classic Block Set. 46-piece add-on sets of Angles and Curves are also available. Each set is available in a box, cart, or "drag bags."Imagination Playground contains a wide variety of loose parts, including cubes, bricks, cogs, curves, and cylinders. But the parts are not simply loose. They have holes and shapes that fit together in ways that allow the continuation of a child’s idea. A pair becomes a wall. A wall becomes a room. A room becomes a house. The pieces fit connect together to make immersive play last a long time.

Success of Program

The sucess of this grant will be measured by an increase in students' creativity, problem solving, and conversations with each other during play and learning. 


I am seeking approval for 105 piece Big Blue Block set, the 46 piece Big Blue angle Set, 2 storage carts, and 2 cart covers. The imagination playground will be available for students to use during outdoor recess, indoor recess, and signed out individually by a class.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This grant is being written for all of Truckee Elementary's students. 


TES was given a $350 discount in the quote from the company.