Informational Texts Suggested by the Common Core Standards

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The new Common Core Standards bring an increased focus on informational texts as opposed to narrative texts.  This shift complements the science focus we have already implemented at Tahoe Lake.  Several science focused informational texts have been explicitly named in the Common Core Standards; we would like to add these texts to our libraries so we have texts of the appropriate 'complexity, quality, and range for our K-3 students as outlined in the Common Core. 

Success of Program

Implementation of and mastery of the Common Core Standards will be assessed as current standards are assessed:  common assessments, DSAs, state tests.  Having these texts available for instruction will help us move head in our assessment of student learning as we move to the Comon Core Standards.


One of each grade level appropriate texts will be added to each classroom library to support science instruction and adoption of the Common Core Standards.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

PLCs will continue to deepen our school-wide science focus and will be implementing the Common Core Standards.  These texts will aide in both efforts.

Other funding sources
No district or site funds are currently available.