Kings Beach Elementary would greatly benefit from having proper field equipment for soccer in PE, at recess, in school activities and after school extra curricular activities. At Kings Beach Elementary soccer is a highly desired sport to participate in but hard to play the correct way due to lack of equipment.
All students from TK-5th grade would benefit from using this equipment to better understand the game and the official rules. Soccer encourages teamwork, positive communication, dedication, coordination and problem solving skills.
This equipment would enhance PE tremendously by allowing the PE teacher to properly teach the rules of the game, the positions and how to respectfully play the sport. Learning how to correctly play soccer in PE will provide a safer school culture and climate at recess and in the classroom. The school culture will become safer because the rules and expectations for soccer will be universal throughout the whole entire school. Currently, many students do not understand the rules of soccer and it creates a lot of conflict on the playground and in PE.
The equipment will be used immediately and daily at KBE. During the fall and spring it will be used everyday by all students at the school. In the winter, it will be used in the gym when the PE teacher has soccer on their curriculum agenda.
This grant will be shared with the whole school. It will be primarily used in Physical Education but can be used and accessed by all staff.