Learning Through Listening

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I will use song to teach themes, vocabulary, actions, concepts, skills, and movement (BFIT) using an ipod and speakers. Kindergartners learn so much through song and movement. I will use the ipod/speakers to teach my class (25 students) language arts, math and another class (25 students) English Language Development. All of our adopted curricula has stories, poems, and songs on CD. I will use these on my ipod to teach.


The ipod shuffle will be used for a listening center. Students will push play on the ipod shuffle and will read along with audio tracks teachers have made of themselves reading books and singing songs. While they are listening, students will track with their fingers and follow along to practice reading. I currently have 6 headphones and an old, non-working headphone jack box. Part of this grant will also fund a headphone jack box so the ipod shuffle can connect to it. This will complete the listening center. 

Success of Program

Student participation and growth in language acquisition. 

Reading comprehension growth.

Reading level. 

  1. purchase speakers and ipod, download music and audio tracks from my computer, start teaching with song!
  2. purchase ipod shuffle and jack box, download audio tracks to the ipod shuffle, connect the ipod shuffle to the jack box, connect the headphones to the jack box, students listen and learn!
Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

My PLC discussed collecting Houghton Mifflin theme books and rotating them so that we could have enough to use at a listening center. We use these theme books to teach vocabulary, reading, tracking, and many reading comprehension skills and strategies. We will be able to start doing this once I have a listening center. 

Other funding sources
They will decide during leadership if it other school funds are available.