LIPS: Phonemic Awareness Curriculum

Moderation state
Grant Applicant
Kelsee Kennedy
Grant Co-applicants
School Site
Grant Category
Grant Date

The LIPS phonemic awareness program is a multisensory approach to teaching reading.  Many learners including those with dyslexia struggle to develop the ability to isolate and manipulate the phonemes of the English language.  This program will benefit these learners through explicit, hands-on, research-based instruction.

Benefits of Program

This program will benefit learners with special needs who have specific deficits in the area of phonemic awareness.  This program will allow our special education teachers and speech pathologist to better meet the needs of exceptional learners at out school site. 

Success of Program

The success of this program will be clearly measured through data based on students' progress through the curriculum.  Currently our school site has a need for curriculum in this area and this purchase will provide benefit to multiple TLE learners. 


The program will be implemented in weekly 1:1 or small group intervention sessions, as recommended by the curriculum and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This grant can and will be shared across the SDC, resource and speech programs at our site, depending on student needs. 

This program will be sustainable as written.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$468 - LIPS curriculum
File Uploads
LIPS.pdf (121.38 KB)