Living History Day Kings Beach Elementary

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Grant Applicant
Jamie Schwartz
Grant Co-applicants
Grant Category
Grant Date

Each year the 4th grade at Kings Beach Elementary participates in Living History Day. This event is the culmination of our year long social studies curriculum based on California history, pioneers, and the Gold Rush. The students participate in 7 hands-on stations in which they create items like the pioneers in early California, all while dressed in period costume! We need supplies for our Living History Day. 

Students will apply their in classroom learning to hands-on constructive learning at 6 different stations. Students will compare what resources were available to the early settlers in California and today. Students will write a personal narrative based on their experiences at Living History Day.

Benefits of Program

All 4th grade students at KBE will benefit from this grant. 

All 7 stations are hands-on learning that are linked directly to the year's socials studies learning concepts. This allows students the opportunity to anchor the concepts to a tangible activity, increasing concept retention as well as the ability to apply attained concepts to new learning situations. Another huge benefit is simple: good old fashion FUN while learning. Living History is consistently a favorite learning day of our students.


Success of Program

Success is determined by observed demonstrated skills during the day as well as writing in student journals, anecdotal observation based evidence, and smiles. Personal narratives will be evaluated using our common rubric.


Students, teachers, and parent volunteers will dress in period costume (pioneer). Students will rotate through 7 different stations based on activities that children living in early California would have participated in: candle making, tinsmithing, rope making, leather stamping, square dancing, corn-husk doll making, and ukulele music station. Students will complete their journal prompt at each station. Students will use their journal notes and experiences to write a personal narrative.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This is a grant for the entire 4th grade. 

All items are consumable, with the exception of replacing a broken crock pot for wax melting which will be continually.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$60 - Candle Wax
$30 - Candle Wick
$50 - Cork Husks
$150 - Leather
$80 - Tin
Other funding sources

No other site funds are available for this program.