Musical Instruments

Moderation state
Grant Applicant
Erica Allstadt
Grant Category
Grant Date

We would like to purchase 25 beginner violin kits for students to be used during music instruction. Students will be learning how to read sheet music and applying the knowledge to the use of violins with their teacher Jenny Charles. 

Benefits of Program

The entire school will be able to participate and benefit from the purchase of these violin kits. Students can begin learning at a young and we can foster them over time. Students will be using these during their music instruction which is once a week for 50 minutes. 

Success of Program

The success of the program should be measurable in both the music setting as well as in the academic setting. We believe in teaching the whole child, therefore, music and the arts are a critical component to the development of a child. Students will learn interests, begin to develop an understanding of multiple types of learning and they will benefit the classroom by learning focus, timing, concentration, stamina, and much more in the social emotional realm. 


The purchase will be immediate and the use will begin in the 2022-2023 school year. The music teacher has been introducing music notes and recorders this year. She will begin the year developing the violins into curriculum and align with the school wide programs that will allow for performances.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This grant is being shared school-wide and will benefit all students. 

This is a one time purchase the school is unable to make. However, after the grant is provided, the program will be very sustainable. We have funding through PTO, the school, and fundraising that we can put toward replacing parts, bow strings, etc. This grant will allow us to get up and running and we can handle the maintenance costs moving forward.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$279 - 279 per violin set x 25 sets which is $6975 pre tax
Other funding sources

We don't have this in the budget and would need this support to move forward for the school. After the original purchase of instruments, we would be able to afford upkeep, replacements, and sustain the program.