Social Science multi-media projectors

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Nik Fertita, Mike Mazzie, Jessica Jacobs

School Site
Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

We would like to stream line the many media tools we use into one machine.

Success of Program

The impact of these projectors would enhance all of our intruction.  The measurement would be seen on data on our formative, summative and state test results.


Many teachers use several different types of instructional media tools on a daily basis.  Which means that one teacher on any given day could be using an overhead projector or document camera, a small TV on a cart with attached   VCR/DVD player and then a LCD projector a power points or you tube clips.  We would like to stream line our media tools into one machine. the Epson PL WXGA with DVD player.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

All four Social Science teachers at THS would be using these new projectors

We are requesting the purchase of 4 of these projectors for a totals of $3278.36. With the fact that the Social Science Dept contacts every student at THS. the cost per student is $5.25