Soundfield Amplification System

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Suzanne Beye

Melanie Anderson

Ingrid Bourke

Priscilla Mills

Claire Boyle

Dawn Rye

Dave Goggin

Rita Moring

Deed Verutti

Laurie Heath

School Site
Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

To increase all students ability to achieve at high levels by maximizing their ability to attend to instruction in all instructional areas on campus.

Success of Program

Continuing academic growth for all students.


The amplification systems will be used for all direct instruction, and will also be used by students for student responses and presentations.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

The 1st and 2nd grade PLCs have found use ofthe amplification systems to be very helpful in increasing students' ability to attend to instruction, and have shraed those finding with the other grade level PLCs.
