Swing set for SELS

Moderation state
Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Date

Extensive research indicates the benefits of physical activity throughout the day for students. SELS hope is that a swingset will provide another avenue of activity for all students, and will in particular increase motivation in less active students.

Success of Program

Mostly anecdotal: student/parent feedback ; observed levels of activity and enjoyment.


To be used during recesses, and supervised by staff at all times.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Has been discussed for several years across the school community.

Other funding sources

The swing set costs goes well beyond the frame. Installation is complex, and the area must meet all safety standards for ground padding and ADA access. All these costs (estimated at approximately $1500 with volunteer labor, or $4000-$5000 without) will be covered by SELS.


We have not yet settled on the precise swing set we wish to purchase. However, the style and size we would like is generally around the cost provided.
Link to example set: Item #CW90015502, http://www.bluegrassplaygrounds.com/swings-5od-arch-post-swing.htm