Sympodium Upgrade

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The use of the Sympodium now called the Podium would enhance both student learning and teacher lectures.  The Podium will be at the front of the class and I will present my class lectures there, being able to see the students while I am writing information down for them to follow.  Using the Podium, I will be able to turn my lectures into digital lectures, which in turn I will be able to share with my students.  This will also be a great help for those students that miss class for one reason or another.  When they return, they will be able to get the class notes.  Knowing that each student can get a copy of the notes will also allow students to focus on what I am showing them rather than trying to keep up writing down the notes and not really understanding the processes used to solve the problem because they are too concerned about writing it all down.

     I  use my current Sympodium in all of my classes.  I spend a great deal of time showing students how to work out problems step by step using the Sympodium software and their actual notetaking guides that I have been able to copy using the Smart tools.  This has enabled students to follow along more efficiently, to take better notes, to see graphs in color, to have a more visual presentation in addition to auditory.  I can easily bring up websites that I need to reference and allow all students to see it using my projector.  

     I will use the Podium on a daily basis to teach and review state standards.  Students will be able to use it to present portfolio projects and presentation we do throughout the year.  I am excited to be able to allow some students that are really technologically advanced to be able to present and share their knowledge with the rest of the class.  


     The Podium will allow the whole class to move ahead and compete with current technology they will see in their future or some that currently use it elsewhere.  Its use in the classroom does greatly enhance the value of my lectures and allows students more access to them.  Student projects and presentations can become more frequent and take place in a more timely and organized manner.  So please consider this grant application, I wouldn't know where to begin if I did not have a Sympodium and since mine is starting to show its age and have glitches, I am trying to be proactive in replacing a much needed part of my classroom. Thank you!

Success of Program

Students will continue to be accessed in class based on the knowledge they have gathered via instruction using the Podium.  The ease of using the Podium to deliver the curriculum will also be a measure of success versus using the whiteboard.  I will be able to display graphs, data, the curriculum in a much more interactive, visual format which will allow students to achieve more understanding of the material.  Instruction via the Podium lends itself to greater understanding by students which in turn will be reflected by higher achievement and more success learning the material.


 I will be installing the new Podium as soon as I can get it and will use it daily from that point on. I will continue to allow students access to it so they can share their knowledge and ideas.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Yes.  We all currently use Sympodiums to teach.  We share our knowledge during PLC time on best practices and new, innovative ways to use the Sympodiums. 

Other funding sources

Other funds are not available because this is a high priced item and those other funds are being used for classroom supplies for implementation of the common core this year with the adoption of CPM (College Preparatory Math).


As I think I've stated before, I love my current Sympodium and couldn't imagine teaching without it. Technology grows and changes everyday and I want to make sure I stay in line with it. I believe my current Sympodium will be coming to its end soon and I don't want to be left without it. I truly believe my students benefit from instruction via the Sympodium and I would like to upgrade and continue to provide them with a visual, interactive learning environment.
I was turned down last year due to the passing of our local bond measure. I am on the committee for the implementation of the bond and all classrooms will not be granted sympodiums and such. There will be some technology money for the classrooms, but it sounds like it will be used for other items, not sympodiums. So if there is a way, please consider my grant again!