Weekly newspapers covering Social Studies, Science and current events to enhance our literacy and knowledge of given topics. The topics all correlate to what is being taught in kindergarten.
Weekly newspapers covering Social Studies, Science and current events to enhance our literacy and knowledge of given topics. The topics all correlate to what is being taught in kindergarten.
This is a great resource to get students excited about learning the Science, Social Studies and current event topics we are teaching. The newspapers are age appropriate and engaging. They support our Daily 5 reading and ELD Speaking and Listening standards. They allow for great class discussions and peer-to-peer conversations. There is also an online component that is really engaging.
The success comes from great collaborative conversations. They add a lot of great facts/information to our curriculum. They are also very exciting and engaging. The students really look forward to reading them in the classroom together and taking them home to share with families.
They are used weekly during our ELD time. We read them whole group, small group and independently. They are then taken home to be read with families.
They will be for all kindergarten and TK classrooms.
We are estimating 96 students.
Grant requested: $670
Thank you!