Graphing Calculators for High School Success

Moderation state
Grant Applicant
Sara Gooding
Grant Co-applicants
School Site
Grant Category
Grant Date

We are proposing freshmen students will have a graphing calculator checked out them (along with their Chromebook) at orientation day which they will keep until they graduate. Graphing calculators are a necessity for high school success. Students need them for math, science, and CTE courses and college entrance exams. Currently, only students in math classes are issued graphing calculators due to a lack of supply (650 calculators for 900 students.) Because Truckee High School is on a block schedule, the calculators are collected between semesters and at the end of the school year. This means students only have access to a calculator part of the year. Collection is challenging, because students do not want to return them, because they still need them, and we are often short calculators between terms. Students are issued a different calculator each term which results in varying conditions and care from the student. 


Benefits of Program

All Truckee High students, 9-12, will benefit from this program. They will have continuous access to a graphing calculator during all four years of high school which will provide greater success in math, science, and CTE courses and on college entrance exams. Students will have more ownership over their graphing calculator and care better for them, because like their Chromebook, it is theirs for the entirety of their high school career.

Success of Program

All students 9-12 will have a graphing calculator checked out them, and there will be no shortages. Students will have this essential tool to use during the school year, and during summer when some students are taking college entrance exams and credit recovery classes. 


A graphing calculator (along with their Chromebook) will be checked out to all Freshmen on orientation day. Students will keep these items until graduation. In an effort to catch up, students in grades 10-12 will also be checked out calculators at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year which they will keep until graduation. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This grant will benefit all Truckee High School students in all grades.

If this grant is funded, it will be fully sustainable. Replacement calculators can be purchased with site funds as needed. The useful life of a calculator can be 8+ years. On average, less than 1% of calculators are replaced annually, because they are no longer serviceable. Students are billed for the replacement of broken and lost calculators. Depreciation is currently set at 25% a year, with a minimum replacement cost of $25 after 5 years. Calculator maintenance is done on site by the librarian.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$19145 - 150 Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE Color Graphing Calculators
Other funding sources

Yes. I communicated with my site principal, Ed Services and Technology Services about this proposal. They encouraged this grant application.


Graphing calculators are a necessary tool for all students. This proposal is being submitted due to lack of funding at the district level. Our site funds can purchase less than 50 calculators a year, so without grant funding it will take us 7+ years to reach our goal of being 1:1 with graphing calculators.