Fly Fishing Club: An interpretive and historic experience:
In the interest of our students that care for the environment and want to make a difference, the connection with, and the experience of the Paiute offers a greater understanding of the original environmentalists. Our fly fishing club has forged the beginnings of a powerful connection that has the potential to be something beyond what history can teach in our classrooms. North Tahoe High School has forged a significant relationship with the Paiute of Pyramid Lake, the endpoint of the Truckee River. We have the support of an organization that provides socioeconomically disadvantaged youth the opportunity to connect with nature in a way that synthesizes local history, indigenous struggle, and the sport of fly fishing, “Cast Hope”. We have already established relations by attending an annual fly fishing event at Pyramid Lake where “Cast Hope” was distributing fly fishing equipment to socioeconomically disadvantaged youth. The “Cast Hope” regional director and expert angler from Truckee, Mark Heron provided free lessons on fly casting to all participants. Other anglers from Alaska and Paiute Marvin Ricine provided their expertise in fly fishing to teach individuals how to cast and catch using their newly acquired fly rods. We fished as a community of enthusiasts for six hours on the shores of Pyramid Lake.
We have incorporated guest speakers that elicit the impact of dams and political decisions on tribal land. The presentation during lunch from the first female Paiute fly fishing tour guide was impressive. She discussed the watershed issue, political policy, and the distrust of indigenous individuals of government intervention for environmental protection. Tribal elders commented on the interest of our students when discussing ecological issues with delight. The bond that is being forged is beyond the expectation of your imagination. Every interaction with the Pyramid Paiute has been enthusiastic and genuine in their desire to create this relationship with our school.
The entry-level cost for fly fishing is significant. Many students qualify to be supported by the regional “Cast Hope” program, but many students that are interested do not meet the financial requirements to be provided with free equipment and should not be denied this opportunity for enrichment. In the interest of the expansion of our club program and the potential that it has to provide a cultural exchange for our students and indigenous individuals that have provided our local history, I am requesting equipment to enable those that are unable to afford the equipment and do not meet the socioeconomic requirements of regional “Cast Hope” membership to be provided the opportunity to experience this fantastic opportunity to learn from the original stewards of our land, the Washoe and Paiute, while enjoying a sport that enables them to be a part of nature for a lifetime. I am requesting this equipment to include those that may be excluded otherwise. Already students have mistakenly come in during lunch to hang out and have determined that they are interested in learning about the Paiute concerns with the environmental issues that they have dedicated their tribal councils to address We have been invited to tribal events that are not open to the public due to our interest and diligence. Please allow us to expand our program by enabling any student that wants the experience, to have equipment on hand for the possibility of participation.
Partial funding for any of our needs would be incredible. Full funding would enable us to invite students when they are interested in participating in this incredible opportunity that I am dedicated to expanding. Please allow our students to have the opportunity to have a chance at engaging in a sport that is life-changing in the context of history spoken by those that matter, the Paiute. The local sport fishing location has provided the estimate for expenses that have been supporting the Paiutes in their endeavors to encourage a return to tradition through fly fishing. Historical resources have been approved by tribal contacts as being factual and the fly fishing guide was recommended by an Alaskan angler as being accessible. The storage containers are required to secure our club purchases. The fly-tying kits will be used to create community fundraising opportunities by providing local sports stores with “flies” tied by our students or community workshops for fishing enthusiasts. All written materials will be utilized in all history courses to improve student awareness of indigenous influence in our area. Partial or full funding would be appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration