The Kindergarten teachers at Glenshire would love the opportunity to supply our young developing readers with Geodes decodable readers. Geodes decodable readers are highly engaging books with a variety of topics including history, science and arts. Geodes decodable readers contain rich vocabulary and allow students to practice phonics and decoding skills. We are asking for help to purchase three Geodes Level K Classroom Kits. Three Geodes kits will serve up to 75 Glenshire Kindergarten students each year. They are not consumables and may be reused each year.
Our current ELA adopted curriculum does not offer decodable readers for our students to use. The Geodes decodable readers align with TTUSD’s adopted phonics programs such as Heggerty Phonemic Awareness and FUNdations. Geodes decodable readers would serve as supplemental material which would allow our students to practice the phonics skills they study in class daily. Geodes also supports the Science of Reading and the LETRS program we have been studying and implementing for the past three years.