Tk Thematic Picture Books

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Grant Applicant
Heidi Hoban
School Site
Grant Category
Grant Date

This year I have been working hard to build an age appropriate, play-based TK Curriculum. We have Weekly themes that our students love and enjoy. However, I am missing quality age appropriate literature to align with our weekly thematic lessons. I would like to create a literature rich environment with engaging, age appropriate read alouds. In this grant I'm asking for funds for 2-3 picture books per a week to add to my classroom library.

Benefits of Program

The TK students will benefit from this grant. This will create a literature rich environment where they can learn the concepts of print and grow in their vocabulary and literacy skills. This gives me the opportunity to implement weekly close reads, which will lead into summarizing the stories through role-play, storyboards and weekly felt boards or drawings. These literature based opportunities will also guide my teaching in science and social studies topics. Along with increasing a love for reading and literacy skills in our youngest scholars. 

Success of Program

If I can build up my library for each weekly theme in my classroom this will bring many learning opportunities. Right now, I am playing the books on the monitor so they have exposure. However, it's not the same. It's very important for us to create a love for literature especially at this prime age of TK, they can carry this with them throughout many years as a student. 


The books I purchase through this grant will be used daily, throughout each school year. 

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

I would love to share my books with my team, we are in alignment with the same weekly themes so this can benefit both of us. 

I tried to pick mostly hardback books so they can last longer with less possibility of damage. Also, these books will be used in the TK classroom for many years to come.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$800 - TK Weekly Thematic Picture Books
Other funding sources

Yes. My principal is supportive of this grant application. 


For Some Reason the File Upload button is not working. 

Please click on this link to see the google doc I have created to see all of my weekly themes and the books that align with each week. If click on the book image it will pop up a link that will take you directly to the amazon link that I will be purchasing this books from. This will show cost and quantity. Thank you for considering this grant application.