Looking to entice my readers with all kinds of print! Students will be exposed to various magazine options for their weekly Flashlight Friday class, where they snuggle in with a headlamp with a good book, or in this case, educational magazine! We will shape projects around their learning through these publications, and present to each other during our Crew meetings. We will use each of the titles in our content classes for projects and writing assignments.
I have 24 4th and 5th graders, and will share the subscriptions with my Co Teacher, who also has 24 4th and 5th graders. All 48 students will have access to these materials on Fridays, and other portions of the week. We also have Bear Den meetings twice a month, where students from other Crews come into our rooms for meetings; there are 16 students in my Bear Den, age ranging from k-8th grade. They will also have access to the magazines.
Evidence of success will be achieved through their presentations, conversations about what they are learning about, and enthusiasm to just sit with a good article. I like that all of my students can find success in accessing these materials, no matter their academic background.
Every Friday for 45 minutes during Flashlight Friday, during some Bear Den meetings, and other times when they finish required work. Will design smaller lessons around the material they find. Implementation will begin as soon as possible!
Yes! Nicole Hansen, 4/5 Crew Leader.
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Thank you for your consideration!
~ Julie Brisbin