Increasing Reading Fluency through Karaoke

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Rita Moring

School Site
Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

A student's ability to comprehend what they are reading affects their ability to learn in all content areas, and becoming a fluent reader is difficult for many students.  Just as becoming proficient in any endeavor requires practice, so does becoming fluent in reading.  There are many strategies that teachers use to promote fluency, and we would like to add one more.  Karoke machines have lyrics highlighted word by word and promote the practice of fluency in a highly engaging, low-risk setting. 

Success of Program

Students' reading comprehension is frequently monitored both in ELD and in their grade level classes.  The use of fluency promotion with karaoke machines would be monitored along with the effectiveness of other instructional strategies as students grow.


The karaoke machines would primarily be used in ELD classes to strategically help emerging readers practice fluency.  They could also be used as PA systems for any student performances, such as poetry recitals, readings, etc.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Karaoke machines would be available for use to support targeted instruction at the discretion of PLCs.

Other funding sources
No district or site funds are available.