Band Instruments

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Dean Nordby, Lena Meyer

Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

The objective of the THS & NTS Music Department is to provide access to all NTHS & NTS students, of all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, the oportunity to learn, enjoy and play and instrument with expertise.  

Success of Program

The utilizattion of these instruments and the expertise gained by the students will be the measure of success.    Additionally, the classes are graded. 


Class instruction throughout the school day.  Currently the classes taught at NTS are: 6th grade band, 7th grade band, 8th grade band, Jazz Enzemble and Jazz Band.  The classes taught at NTHS are:  Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and Jazz Ensenble.  

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Music teachers are allowed to meet through planned PLC.   We coordinate festivals, and district wide music and art functions.   These instruments will allow our muic students to participate in any PLC planned distict wide performances, honor bands and festival coordinated within the PLC. 

Your funds granted will be matched by the music FAN Club.