Classroom Projectors

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Laurie Scheibner

Vicki Decker

Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Cycle

The objective of this program is to provide quality, functional projectors for every ACMS classroom so that the Common Core may be implemented successfully and so that all students may be engaged through visual and multimedia learning experiences.  As students are immersed in technology through Common Core curriculum, they become dependent on technologically infused lessons and projects.  In order to build students’ 21st century skills and progress toward Common Core technology standards teachers and students must have access to projectors.  

Teachers rely on projectors to share information with the class when they use electronic material.  Students are able to share their learning in a similar way by projecting their projects while presenting to the class.

Success of Program

Success will be measured by qualitative and quantitative data that is collected through a staff and student survey and presented on our school website and technology blog.    



  • Purchase 20 new projectors and distribute to core and support teachers (Spanish, Music, Health, Technology).

  • Technology budget will purchase accessories including:

    • Chromecast and/or Apple TV for all classrooms for wireless projecting from MacBooks, iPads, and Chromebooks

    • Replacement bulbs
  • Old projectors will be redistributed to other TTUSD school sites as needed.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?


Implementing the Common Core is a focal point in TTUSD PLC work this year.  Since technology is embedded in Common Core standards the projectors will be a critical piece of Common Core implementation.

Other funding sources
Site funds are insufficient for the entire purchase, though the technology budget will contribute $1500. Instead, the technology team will utilize site funds to purchase a new iPad cart, which is necessary for distributing 30 iPads (that we already own) as a classroom set, as well as Chromecast and/or Apple TVs for classroom teachers, and necessary curriculum/materials for technology classes.
Projectors are discounted from $553 and come with a 3 year warranty through the Epson brighter futures education contract.