Composting with Worms

Moderation state
Other Applicants

Kathee Hansen, Priscilla MIlls, Ingrid Bourke

School Site
Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Date

The worm composting bin will allow students to actively participate in composting food scraps and witnessing first hand the cycle of decomposition.   Students will be able to investigte worms through science labs and hands on observations and activities with the worms. Finally, students will see the benefits first hand as they apply useful vermicompost  to fertilize and amend soil in planting beds on campus.

Success of Program
  • formative assessments after lessons
  • student maintenance of worm bin
  • compost produced in the worm bin will be used by students in outdoor gardens and beds to amend the soil.  Students will complete a variety of hands-on labs studying worm behavior, anatomy, and their place in the cycle of decomposition.
  • Third grade students will set up the bin
  • Students will maintain the bin with scraps collected at lunch
  • Teacher and student (cross-age) directed lessons adjusted to grade level needs and understanding will be presented throughout the year
  • Students will harvest vermicompost and apply it to planting beds on campus
Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

The grant will serve third grade directly, and all students TK through 3 via the Science classroom and cross-age mentoring.


The worm bin will be maintained in the Science classroom to make it accessible to all grade levels.