Performing Arts Club Production

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Other Applicants

Dean Nordby

Number of Students
Grant Category
Grant Date

Our objective is to continue to work to bring back Drama on the campuses of NTHS ans NTS--we would like to offer more opportunities for students to participate in an extra-curricular activity.  We have hired 2 outside people with performance experience to add the club this year in tackling a musical.  

Success of Program

The measure of achievement/success will come from the performances in February.  The students are working every Monday to practice on stage as well as during RTI to work on lines and dances.  The success is already starting to be felt, because we are working on our second performance and interest in the club has grow in just a year--up from 12 last year to almost 30 this year.  There is already talk about what performance we want to do next year.


The club started last year as a senior project--the club put on a modified version of "Alice in Wonderland"--it was all student run and student driven with the exception of having a faculty adviser.  At the end of last year and through the summer, work was done to hire directors to help move the club and its performances to the next level.  At the beginning of this school year, we also opened the tryouts and parts to middle school students, because our goal is to hook students young and continue to grow the club--hopefully making it a class again at NTHS.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

This grant can be shared with NTHS/NTS bands, because the lighting, backdrop and microphones will be given to the tech class run by Mr. Nordby and Lena Meyer will also be able to use the equipment for band performances.

Other funding sources

We have received a private donation and are looking at fundraising as well as a donation from FAN club and service clubs


The Performing Arts club opened its enrollment to NTS this year to have younger students participate and to ensure the growth of the club in years to come.