Several years ago, Excellence in Education funded a grant for CD players for listening centers. Listening to fluent reading is one of the main components of Daily 5, which is part of our district wide literacy program. Listening to fluent reading not only models fluency, but allows students to access reading at the upper end of their zone of proximal development, a best practice in teaching reading. This grant is to purchase some audio CD's for text book sets that we already own for a new teacher's classroom.
While some may think CD players are out of date, they in fact provide a very efficient way for young students to access audio books. While it is true that we have other options, these options are imbedded in online programs that require the use of a internet accessing device and a sign-in to an account. The steps of signing in can be arduous for primary students and also wastes a lot of time. CD players on the other hand, are very efficient and fast to use. Most importantly, young students can use them independently. This also frees up the internet accessing devices available in a classroom for other technology based activities. CD players also do not provide other distractions or activities, simply straight forward listening.