Benefits of Program
Read&Write provides students incentive to complete reading and writing assignments and increases their confidence and performance. Many students struggle with reading or writing difficulties; often because of a learning disability; such as dyslexia, auditory processing, or visual processing issues. Google Read&Write has many features that helps students be successful in tasks that are difficult for them.
Google Read&Write supports students writing through Speech-to-Text; which allows students to express themselves without the barrier of writing. The program also has a text-to-speech feature to help students who have a difficult time reading assignments. They are able to access teachers assignments through google docs and have the text-to-speech feature read the document to them. This helps students that are not reading at grade level. Read&Write also has a word prediction option for students who have phonological processing difficulties, or word retrieval issues.
Read&Write also has a highlighting feature where students can highlight text in a document that they feel is important. Read&Write will help students create a summary of their highlighted information to help them better understand the piece of text. Students are also able to make voice notes about the documents they are reading. This is very beneficial to students who have a difficult time writing and have visual processing deficits. Read&Write also has the option for students to use a Screen Mask. This acts as a visual placeholder for students when they read helping students eyes track the page correctly; thus helping them increase their fluency.