Book Love: Classroom Library Refresh

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Grant Applicant
Annie Stefani
Grant Co-applicants
Grant Category
Grant Date

For over five years, teachers and administrators at North Tahoe High School have focused on creating a culture of literacy with the goal of ensuring that our students are not only college and career ready, but also have the skills needed to access the different types of complex texts they will encounter in the future. During that same time, our English Department attended a conference and read Penny Kittle's Book Love, which makes the case for creating lifelong readers by giving students the choice to read books that are interesting to them, thereby increasing their reading volume. These "hook books" often reignite a love of reading in high school students, and in turn inspires confidence in their abilities as readers, which translates to higher test scores and performance on the district reading assessment. There is also a large body of research that shows a strong correlation to volume (or words read) and student growth in the areas of vocabulary, reading comprehension, and academics in general.

Two years ago, we wrote two grants, one for content-area classroom libraries, and one for English teacher classroom libraries, with the goal of providing more diverse titles representative of our student population in every classroom on campus. Our librarian fully supported these grants and noticed that her circulation increased as well as students often would look for a follow-up title to a book they found in a teacher's classroom in the library. We also discovered that many of our teachers specialized in different genres and could provide student recommendations on science fiction or historical fiction titles. Teachers also posted signs with what they were currently reading, and it sparked student to teacher connections over books schoolwide. Finally, many content-area teachers including our Resource teachers, started literature circles with their students as another way to connect and learn.

Due to the success of both grants, teachers are asking for more books to add to their classroom library collections and we would like to continue to be able to support them in this continuation of our culture of literacy we have worked so hard to create North Tahoe High School. 

Benefits of Program

The benefit of this program is to continue working with students on their literacy/reading level while also working with them to develop their life-long love for reading. We help explore student's individual tastes and help them choose book titles. The long-term effects would be to have students who graduate high school and take a love of reading with them that will aid them in their futures, as well as have the skills and confidence to access more complex text to be college and career ready. Other benefits of classroom libraries to date include: increased teacher-student connections over books, more students and teachers giving "book talks" or short presentations on why their classmates should read a certain title, an increase in our overall school reading scores (as based on the district STAR Reading Assessment), an increase in library circulation as students look for related titles, and an overall shift in confidence and student perception on who they are as readers. 

Success of Program

We will continue to monitor the success of the program by continuing to look at and react to our long-term student reading data, the number of titles loaned out to students by classroom teachers, student surveys regarding how much they are reading and how they view themselves as a reader, as well as student performance on the district STAR Reading Assessment and 11th grade CAASPP ELA Reading Assessment. 


As each classroom teacher on campus currently has a classroom library, we will offer the opportunity for teachers to select titles to add to their libraries at the beginning of next school year. However, if we receive the grant, we will notify teachers right away so they can begin to plan accordingly for the fall if they want to use the books to supplement their curriculum or add a literature circle component. As we will also have several new teachers, this will also give them the opportunity to pick books they feel would be a good fit for their classroom as they become part part of the learning and reading community at North Tahoe High School.

Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?

Yes. This grant will have a positive impact on all students grades 9-12, including Special Education and English Language Learners. 

This grant will build on the current sustainability of the previous classroom libraries grants as those books are still being used and circulated in teachers' classrooms. It is an opportunity for teachers to add current and popular titles to their collections and keep up with student demand for those books.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$2000 - English Department Classroom Libraries Refresh
$1000 - Content-Area Classroom Libraries Refresh