There are students in every classroom who benefit from being able to move while learning. Often, this is seen in tapping feet which can be distracting to other students as it can be noisy, and cause desks to move. This grant would allow us to buy fidget bands that attach to chairs. This allows students who benefit from moving while learning to bounce their feet on the band which has been shown to increase focus while not impacting their neighbor.
Grant Applicant
Jen McMaster
Grant Co-applicants
School Site
Grant Category
Grant Date
Benefits of Program
The use of the Fidget Bands will lead to increased focus for all students; therefore to increased learning!
Success of Program
Measured by increased focus and productivity.
These are easy to use, and can be put on select chairs in each classroom to allow students who need to move access.
Can you share this grant with your grade level or subject team?
Yes, they will be accessible school-wide.
The Fidget Bands are guaranteed to last several years.
Amount Funded
Individual Budget Items(s)
$280 - Fidget Bands Pack of 10-- 100 total
Other funding sources
None available at this time.
Supporting Links